A Course in Miracles is clear that the belief in separation gives rise to guilt and suffering, and equally clear that there is a path that leads us beyond all suffering. The method the Course uses to effect this transformation is the process of forgiveness, wherein we bring our ego to the loving presence of Jesus or the Holy Spirit inside us. This lifelong practice of self-awareness and healing leads us through the dark shadow of our grievances, self-hatred, and specialness to the calm stillness of our shared innocence.
Throughout this journey of relinquishing our egoic identity, we encounter resistance in many forms—stubbornness, defensiveness, denial, fear—and so it can be very helpful to have support along the way, a guide who will help deepen your understanding and application of forgiveness, and walk with you through the many twists and turns of this often difficult process, helping you see and navigate your blind spots with gentleness and patience.
My name is Hakim Hamza. I'm a Swedish-based, long-time student of A Course in Miracles and Ken Wapnick. Please explore my Counseling and About pages to get a feel if we might work together. It would be my honour to walk this path with you.